As you can tell, the past few weeks have been a bit busy with arranging hand in stuff and getting everything together for major project deadline in two weeks, but I just wanted to share my happiness that I'm going to be having a busy summer afterwards as well!
Martell Masterclass
This one just sort of happened as a surprise. I won a ticket for Lucas Martell's Short Film Masterclass. For those of you who might not know Lucas Martell is responsible for the animation short Pigeon: Impossible. I've looked through what the sessions are going to cover and I'm quite excited about learning things more short film focused. I often feel like when I come up with ideas for short films I have no idea how to go forward with them or make them beyond my vision of an idea, so I really feel like this is going to open up my ability to comfortably direct this sort of project. (For those interested in the masterclass, you can get tickets by funding his new project
London Symposium of Art and Design
I booked my ticket for this a few months back now, and it's sort of crept up on me that it's almost time. It's an art workshop organised and run by, and looks like it's going to be an amazing life changing event from an artistic point of view. Honestly, I feel a little under prepared. I had a lot of plans to work on my art skills between then and the event and I feel like I haven't got to where I wanted before I went. Despite this, I am sure I will still find it just as helpful in my artistic progression. I really can't wait to meet the people there, and all of the workshops in general (gosh, the line up looks amazing so far). It feels like this is going to be a big stepping stone in my artistic knowledge and my realizations of where I want to be going.
As I've said few times by now I applied to do the inform.animation ERASMUS program in Sardinia. We got interviewed a few weeks ago, and I can now confirm I was one of the people picked for the trip. I was a little worried that as I didn't have any experience of much beyond games at this point in time that'd act against me, but it seems not! Its going to be two and a half weeks in Sardinia working on live briefs to produce informative animations with other students from around Europe. I really can't wait, and honestly think this is going to be an amazing opportunity to further my art and communication skills. I also feel this is really going to tie in with some interactive book projects I'm considering doing on the masters, as these are currently planned to be informative multimedia books.
I will now apologise for the possible overuse of the phrases 'great opportunity', 'I can't wait' and 'am really excited'.
And that's all I have planned between now and the end of June!
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